

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago


EduCamp is a BarCamp about education in the most general sense. Here we can share our ideas about education and learning, expose each other to the ideas we've discovered, and ponder about what the future of formal and informal education should be like as a more integrated part of everybody's lives.


Remember, at a BarCamp, everybody participates! That means the attendees are the presenters and the audience. If you aren't going to present, you can organize a discussion or publish notes from a talk. We really want you to find a way to contribute, so here's a handy HowToContribute guide.


Contribute to this wiki by editing any page. The password is stanford


EduCamp is over, but another will happen soon!


Proceedings and Notes (the useful stuff)



Event Details

Important stuff


(and add your name to: AttendeeRegistration)



The 15th and 16th of September.

(Unfortunately no overnight camping though)

Starts 11am, cleanup at 5pm both Saturday, and Sunday.



Stanford University, California

Building 300, Room 300 (Map)

Parking recommended at Tressider Student Union lot (Google Map)

Tressider parking in relation to the room



WhatToExpect - See how this BarCamp thing works

PresentationIdeas - Suggest a topic, or add your own

SessionNotes - the sessions that happened, add yours and your notes!


Day one Notes



Official blog

We've been blogging to get you in mood for EduCamp :)




These guys helped us get this awesome venue.


Planners and Volunteers

Be on the support crew and help make this great!



  • Ensure web connectivty (we need 2 of us, and let's do it Th if possible!)
  • Get emergency phone numbers (for opening room in case they forget) (JeffS is on this)
  • Butcher paper roll (got it!)
  • Order box lunches (by Th.) if we want to Let's talk about this soon!
  • Buy flats of drinks, ice, drink/waste/recycle containers, coffee, doughnuts/bagels/snacks (Friday)


More information


Mailing list

Get on here and talk with us



Who's Blogging us?


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